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YC5YC Indonesia Via QO100
File audio about QSO IW1FZR to YC5YC for SDRConsole
FO5QB French Polinesia 60mts
Michel from Tahiti working european on 60 mts
New One on 60 metrs French Polinesia DXCC #128 ink AA4NC and AA4VK will be active as TX4N and TX4VK from French Polynesia, 11 – 17 February 2020. They will operate on HF Bands, including activity in ARRL DX CW Contest, 15 = 16 February 2020, as TX4N.Recent DX Spots TX4N
60 mts país estado #100 trabajado
último trabajo 24 de mayo a 4:05z Bonaire PJ4/DL3KMS Qso Dxcc País Prefijo País 1 176 3D2 Fiji 2 514 4O Montenegro 3 336 4X Israel 4 215 5B Chipre 5 456 6w Senegal 6 497 9A Croacia 7 257 9H Malta 8 348 9K Kuwait 9 454 9X Rwanda 10 90 9Y Trinidad Tobago…
60 mts paesi status #100 lavorato
ultimo lavoro 24 maggio a 4:05z Bonaire PJ4/DL3KMS Qso DXCC Paese Prefisso Paese 1 176 3D2 (in seguito a Fiji 2 514 4O Montenegro 3 336 4X Israele 4 215 5B (in modo Cipro 5 456 6w Senegal 6 497 9A Croazia 7 257 Ore 9 Malta 8 348 9K Kuwait 9 454 9X (in…